Monday, July 23, 2012


 Since we needed to replace the sliding glass doors, we decided to bump out the wall and create some more indoor space.
 The condo is under 700 square feet, so adding anything at all is delightful.  It looks like we can move our love seat over, so whoever sits there can actually watch television instead of being confined to the hallway.
 Plus, we now have only one door to unlock to get in, which I think will be delightful when I have grocery bags hanging off my arms.

The only down side is that Cookie no longer has any covered outdoor space.  Our future solution is to screen in the little tiled space outside of our bedroom.  That way when it's raining, she can be out of the elements if I have to go somewhere or if we have company & she wants to hide.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Getting to the Finish Line at #134

 Added a closet upstairs in the loft by bumping out over the living room downstairs just a bit.  As long as they don't store a bunch of steel toed work boots and bricks, it should hold up fine.
 Also created a window upstairs in the loft for a little more natural light.
 This is a view of the kitchen from the entry way.  The blue board is the shared kitchen and bathroom walls .  The unfinished floor in the foreground used to be where the sliding glass door ended, making for a very small dining room. 
Here's a view from the kitchen to the main entrance.  We bumped out the door to the edge of the balcony, so now there is only one door and one key to get into the condo.  This balcony overlooks the parking lot, so we didn't give up any fabulous outdoor space.  The balcony off the living room has a view of the golf course, which is prettier & quieter.