Thursday, October 20, 2011

Makapu'u, Manana, and Kaohikaipu

 Cookie and I decided to hike up to the Makapu'u Lighthouse this past Monday morning. 

There are a few dedicated people and pets walking the trail at 8am, but it's still 80 degrees even that early in the day, hence the need for water breaks.

Our first stop at the top was overlooking the cliffs.  Cookie enjoyed the breeze blowing through her fur.

Molokai is way off in the distance, but Manana Island (largest) and Kaohikaipu Island are nearby.  Manana is also called as Rabbit Island because it supposedly looks like a rabbits' head coming out of the water.

Kaohikaipu Island is also called Black Rock or Turtle Island.  Both islands are bird sanctuaries, so you can go diving around them but you can't actually visit.

Seen enough, ready to go...

We explored the cliffs a bit to cool off and have a drink.  The trail's not that long (under 2 miles), but it's pretty steep, and I didn't want the pup to get overheated... okay, I was sweating to death and needed to rest.

The cliffs have tide pools, but you can't get to most of them.  There is a trail about half way up that leads to a rocky beach, but I haven't tried it yet, although every once in a while you see people down there.  I don't think climbing back up would be too bad... it's the sliding down the rocks that intimidate me.

Cookie isn't really interested in the lighthouse... she just wants a drink.

And I learned that she likes flat, wooden steps better than metal, grooved ones.  The metal must bother her delicate paws.
Personally, my favorite part is when the ocean is so blue that it looks like I ran it through Picasa.

Cookie's favorite part is when I tell her it's time to go down the hill and back to the air-conditioned car.

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