Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Nebulous Number Nine

9. Learn to make a real composting bin, and use it in a garden.

I call this goal nebulous, since it means indistinct or vague. What is a "real" composting bin? After doing my usual Google investigation, I discovered that I can make a compost bin in something as small as a plastic bucket, or a wheeled plastic garbage can. Yahoo! (Sorry... Google!) That way I can carry it by the handle around the garden.

My loving husband has found a greenhouse for my birthday present... I am happy! He is attaching it to the south side of the shop.  Two advantages: it will get almost constant sun, and it forces him to clean up all of the scraps of leftover lumber and other assorted paraphernalia from previous house projects. Say Hallelujah!

The first thing I need to do is find a garbage can on wheels, then have Big A drill 4 holes in the bottom and around 6 holes on the sides. The supposed mix is: 1 part kitchen waste (no animal products), 2 parts garden/newspaper shreds, 1 part soil.

I have already begun saving kitchen scraps, although right now it's just in a bucket :( I also found a wheeled garbage can, but I knew I couldn't fit it in the car, so it becomes a Spring Break project. I decided to go ahead & buy seeds and planting soil, so planting will begin this week also... can you tell I've got spring fever?

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